Day 22

If six weeks creates a habit, what does 22 days make?

Challenged in late December to read through the Bible in 2014, I decided to do it. Go for it.  Seize the prize.

My adult life’s reading list has ALWAYS had scripture as central, but I want more.  More of God, more Truth.  More assurance, and certainly more direction.

Desire is a thing.  A big, powerful, motivating thing. THE thing necessary before change  happens.

Because Desire precedes action, and action precedes change.

And I think desire comes from God.

So…I prayed for desire.

I wanted to be hungry, deplete, desperate.

I longed to long for more.

That was a prayer quickly satisfied.

Soon, it felt urgent.  Not just important.

And I’m on Day 22.

It may not be a habit until day 42, but this sure is nourishing…


thirst quenching.

God will give you more than you can handle: I guarantee it.

My goodness. I am of one mind with this post. God never gives us more than HE can handle.

all our lemmony things

There’s a certain phrase I’ve come to really dislike.

All my life, I’ve heard this phrase whenever I go through a rough patch. *And by rough patch, I mean a prickly, gnarly patch that leaves me bleeding to near death*. You’re probably familiar with those kinds of “patches”.

“God will never give you more than you can handle” is the phrase I’m referring to.

more than to bear

And it’s a sweet sentiment, really. The people who say it are speaking from caring and concerned hearts.

BUT–it isn’t true.

I know that sounds harsh, but I promise I haven’t suddenly lost my mind or have become an angry-with-God bitter woman who hates the world. Actually, when I realized the simple fact that God can–and will–give us more than we can possibly bear, it got easier.

And it all started to make more sense.

I’ve often trudged through trials that overwhelm me. Ever since my…

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